Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Regret

A short play performed by female teachers at SK Gual To'Deh in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan has piqued students' interest due to its simple yet impactful acting, offering valuable lessons. The play showcased the remarkable talent and character of the female teachers involved. It was done to the female teachers who successfully brought great character to this play.

Youtube video click here.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The MOU between SK Gual To'Deh and SK Kedai Tanjong

Today, a benchmark visit was made to SK Kedai Tanjong. A school known as the Malaysia Ministry of Education introduced TS25. This visit involved the headmaster and some TS25 SK Gual To'Deh implementation committee teachers. It was the first visit since the arrival of the new headmaster, Encik Bakri Bin Md Nor. Click the MOU here.

SK Gual To'Deh implemented TS25 for cohort 7. The Headmaster has been keen to make 'touch rugby' the ethos of this school. Therefore, he suggested that TS25 implementers visit some schools that have successfully implemented TS25. Among the successful schools is SK Kedai Tanjong. This school is not only famous in the state of Kelantan, but it is also renowned throughout Malaysia for successfully implementing SEGAK.

Something that caught my attention was the role of the students in this school. They are taught to communicate with visitors who come. They conducted an introductory session about SEGAK. They are also able to answer questions asked by visitors. This is a beneficial exposure for them so that they are more open and able to compete in the future.

During this visit, the MOU was also made, a cooperative relationship between SK Gual To'Deh and SK Kedai Tanjong. Thank you also for accepting our visit to your school.

The Galleries

Monday, April 22, 2024

The 2nd meeting of HIP 2024

Today marks the second meeting for the 2024 Language Week and HIP. During the first meeting, the work committee consisting of the team leader and teachers who in teaching Malay, English, and Arabic subjects discussed several important matters. One of the decisions was to set the program dates from 9 to 13 June 2024, which will run for a week. The launch ceremony will be held on the last day of the program. All teachers will be involved in this second meeting, and at this meeting, as the coordinator, I was informed of several things agreed upon during the last meeting.

First, we need to agree on the date of the program, which is for a week. The launch day is 13 June 2024. The officers from Department of Education Kelantan will be invited to inaugurate the program. He is Mr. Mohd Pathiuddin Bin Mat Zain, Senior Chief Assistant Director (English Unit) Department of Education Kelantan. We have also invited Puan Rosnani Bt Mohd Nor (SISC+) from the Pasir Mas District Education Office.

Second, tasks were assigned to each teacher for the program. All teachers will be involved in the program. It is an annual program at SK Gual To'Deh, and this year is the fourth. As a coordinator, I am very happy to manage an extensive program that involves all students and teachers.

Third, some activities throughout the program should be updated. Among them are student performances every day after recess. The teachers will train the students, and some of the best performances will be selected for launch day.

Fourth, we will discuss finances to be used throughout the program. This second meeting also involves a clerk responsible for managing all allocations at the school. All the details about the expenses were presented during the conference. She said the paperwork must be done before any expenditure is issued.

Fifth, the program will involve parents as a form of school-parent relationship. Parents will be invited on the day. HIP is a platform that should involve parents so that they can see their children's talents and abilities in school.

Sixth, private agencies will also be invited, but this has yet to be confirmed. Some private agencies will make the program more interesting. 

I am pleased with the outcome of our second meeting as some decisions have been made. This is crucial as we only have a short period of approximately two months to prepare. I witnessed the dedication and cooperation of the teachers at SK Gual To'Deh and I commend them for their efforts. Well done! I believe that SK Gual To'Deh is the best school in the world.done! SK Gual To'Deh is number one in the world.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Do you like to hear a story?

Hi Mazeri here. Becoming a good storyteller involves skills, practice, and passion for storytelling. Here are some ideas to help you become a compelling storyteller:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand who you tell the story to. Consider their age, interests, and cultural background. Tailor your storytelling style and content to resonate with your audience.
  2. Choose Engaging Stories: Select stories that captivate the imagination and evoke emotions. Look for narratives with compelling characters, intriguing plots, and universal themes your audience can relate to.
  3. Master the Art of Timing: Pay attention to pacing and timing in your storytelling. Build suspense, create tension, and vary the rhythm to keep your audience engaged from beginning to end.
  4. Use Vivid Language: Paint a vivid picture with your words. Use descriptive language, sensory details, and colorful imagery to bring your story to life in the minds of your listeners.
  5. Incorporate Dialogue and Character Voices: Bring characters to life by giving them distinct voices and personalities. Use dialogue to reveal character traits, advance the plot, and add authenticity to your storytelling.
  6. Embrace Emotion: Infuse your storytelling with emotion. Make your audience laugh, cry, or feel suspense by tapping into the full range of human emotions. Connect with your listeners on a deeper level by sharing heartfelt stories that resonate with them emotionally.
  7. Practice Active Listening: Pay attention to how your audience responds to your stories. Adjust your storytelling approach based on their reactions, and learn from their feedback to improve your storytelling skills.
  8. Engage Your Audience: Encourage interaction and engagement during your storytelling sessions. Ask open-ended questions, invite participation, and create opportunities for your audience to participate actively in the storytelling experience.
  9. Be Authentic: Be genuine and authentic in your storytelling. Share personal anecdotes, experiences, and insights that reflect your unique voice and perspective. Your authenticity will resonate with your audience and make your stories more compelling.
  10. Seek Feedback and Refine Your Craft: Continuously seek feedback from others and be open to constructive criticism. Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine your storytelling craft over time.

Remember that storytelling is a skill that can be developed and honed with practice and dedication. Keep experimenting, learning, and refining your storytelling techniques, and most importantly, have fun sharing stories with others!


A Teacher: Illuminating the Formation of Future Generation

Hi everyone. Glad to see you again. Today, I woke up early in the morning, and I had an idea to write about this topic. Here, let's see what we can read and increase our knowledge related to the topic. 

In the education landscape, a teacher's role is inseparable from the significant influence and contribution in shaping the future generation. A teacher is not merely a disseminator of knowledge but also a leader, supporter, and motivator of students. In this essay, we will examine the role of a teacher in societal development and the essential characteristics of an effective teacher.

First and foremost, the role of a teacher cannot be denied in laying the foundation of a nation's education. Teachers are the primary agents in delivering the curriculum to students and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed. With proper exposure and effective delivery, a teacher can stimulate students' interest in learning, build a strong foundation in various fields, and foster holistic intellectual development. A teacher also instills good values and ethics among students, shaping them into responsible and ethical individuals.

Furthermore, a teacher also serves as a model and mentor to students. With exemplary attitudes and behaviors, a teacher plays a crucial role in shaping students' personalities and fostering positive attitudes. They become examples to follow and inspire students to build values such as cooperation, perseverance, and honesty. Additionally, a teacher serves as a source of motivation and support to students, helping them overcome challenges and develop self-confidence to achieve their goals in education and life.

To enhance a teacher's effectiveness, embracing diversity and inclusivity in the classroom is imperative. An effective teacher recognizes the importance of diversity and creates an environment where students from various backgrounds feel valued and respected. By incorporating multicultural perspectives into their teaching, teachers foster empathy and understanding among students, preparing them to thrive in a globalized world.

Moreover, an effective teacher encourages critical thinking and creativity among students. They design engaging lessons that challenge students to critically question, analyze, and evaluate information. By fostering a culture of inquiry and exploration, teachers empower students to think independently, solve problems creatively, and adapt to new situations effectively.

In the digital age, technology has become an indispensable tool in education. Effective teachers leverage technology to enhance the learning experience and cater to diverse learning styles. They integrate interactive multimedia resources, online collaboration tools, and educational apps into their lessons to make learning more engaging and accessible.

Furthermore, an effective teacher prioritizes the social and emotional well-being of students. They create a supportive classroom environment where students feel safe to express themselves, share their thoughts and feelings, and build meaningful relationships with peers. By teaching social and emotional skills such as empathy, resilience, and conflict resolution, teachers equip students with the tools to navigate interpersonal relationships and manage their emotions effectively.

Finally, an effective teacher instills a love for learning in students and cultivates lifelong learning habits. They nurture curiosity, enthusiasm, and a growth mindset, encouraging students to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth. By modeling a passion for learning and demonstrating the value of continuous self-improvement, teachers inspire students to become self-directed learners eager to explore new ideas, pursue their interests, and contribute meaningfully to society throughout their lives.

In conclusion, the role of a teacher in shaping the future generation is crucial and undeniable. By understanding their roles as leaders, supporters, and motivators of students, teachers can significantly contribute to shaping an educated, responsible, and ethical society. Therefore, it is essential to provide adequate support and resources to teachers and recognize the value and importance of their roles in educational and societal development.

"Last but not least, I have been happy to be a teacher for more than two decades" 

Cut down trees

On this day, a program to clean and cheer up the school area is held as early as 9 am. The school is where the headmaster, teachers, parents, and employees work together to make the program successful. What is exciting today is the cutting down of large trees .The teacher does tree felling, Cikgu Nazan, also known as the number one teacher in the world.(No 1 Dunia) said Mok.

Video click here Kerat pokok

The galleries

Thursday, April 18, 2024

My journey as an educator

Mazeri Bin Othman was born on 7 September 1974. He currently resides in Lubok Jong, Pasir Mas, Kelantan. He is an experienced person in the field of education with excellent academic achievements. He has a happy family with four children. He started his early education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Tok Sangkut and continued his secondary education at SMK Tengku Panglima Raja. After completing secondary education, he continued his studies at the Sultan Idris Institute of Education from 1996 to 1999, obtaining a Diploma in Education in music and art.

His academic achievements continued to grow when he followed a Bachelor's Degree program in geography and history at Universiti Sains Malaysia from 2003 to 2007. He then continued his studies to a higher level by obtaining a Master's Degree in educational management from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2011 until 2013. In June 2022, he attended the gathering of the Teacher Education Institute after completing the Optional Intervention Program (PITO) course in English. He was awarded an Advanced Degree. Immersed in full-time PhD research, he passionately explores the depths of education. With an insatiable curiosity and a razor-sharp focus, he is determined to uncover new insights and push the boundaries of knowledge in his field.

He is also known as an individual who can speak three languages ​​, namely Bahasa Malaysia, English, and Thai. His ability in these languages ​​further expands the scope of his communication and enables him to interact with various layers of society. His life experience became more colorful when he migrated to Kuala Lumpur from 1994 to 1996. While in the capital city, he took various jobs to earn a living, showing persistence and perseverance. The jobs that have been carried out include being a restaurant waiter, a kitchen assistant at KFC, a necktie seller, and a temporary teacher.

He is a person who strives and works hard to adapt to life in the city. This experience has also strengthened his determination to pursue his ideals of education and academic excellence, which is now an inspiration to many individuals who know him. As a dedicated educator, his career journey reflects persistence in the pursuit of knowledge and earnestness in contributing to society, especially in education. He started teaching on 17 January 2000 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulat, Gua Musang, Kelantan. He taught there for about two years. Later, he moved to Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Perah for almost ten years, significantly impacting the students there.

In 2012, he moved to Sekolah Kebangsaan Rantau Panjang, and his latest school is Sekolah Kebangsaan Gual To'Deh. As a non-optional English teacher for more than two decades, his teaching ability has been the central pillar in strengthening the quality of education in the schools he serves.

Nevertheless, the spirit of learning and always looking for improvement became his inspiration. he followed a 1-year course called Tesl's Optional Intervention Program (PITO) and successfully improved his skills and competence in teaching English.

Recognition as an optional English teacher is a proud achievement, which opens up new opportunities for him and benefits the students he teaches. His role as Head of the English Language Committee at Sekolah Kebangsaan Gual To'Deh from 2019 to 2023 shows a high commitment to developing the English language field at the school.

As a teacher, he has highlighted his ability to manage and lead initiatives to improve teaching and learning quality. He is not only actively involved in the critical administration and management of the school but also focuses on direct teaching in the classroom. By conducting classes in unique rooms, namely the Self-Access Learning (SAL) room and the 21st-century room, he has allowed students to engage in a more comprehensive and up-to-date learning experience.

This step reflects the effectiveness of his holistic and future-oriented learning strategy. He focuses on academic aspects and developing generic skills and critical thinking abilities among students. He actively disseminates information about school activities through a blog reflecting his enthusiasm to expand education's influence beyond the school walls. By providing the platform, he has allowed parents, students, and the local community to participate actively in the school's development and achievements.

In addition, his efforts in producing education-related articles, especially at Sekolah Kebangsaan Gual To'Deh, are another example of his earnestness in sharing experience and knowledge with the broader education community. Although some articles may not be officially published, his contributions still have a positive impact in enriching discussions and views in the field of education.

This initiative shows his ability to convey ideas and ideas in writing and his willingness to continue learning and sharing with others. This action shows the spirit of leadership and the desire to continuously contribute to education development at the local and international levels. Apart from his commitment to the field of education, he also shows sensitivity and concern for the community's welfare through involvement in his own NGO, the NGO Hannan. Through this initiative, he has contributed to efforts to help flood victims by providing practical assistance and moral support.

When the flood disaster struck, he and Hannan's NGO team went to the field to help clean the houses of flood victims and assist in the form of donations of food and other necessities. This effort provides immediate assistance to those affected and gives them hope and support in facing the challenges faced. This charitable endeavor shows his willingness to help others in difficult times. His caring attitude and ability to act proactively in assisting the local community is a proud example and should be emulated by all

His determination to make Sekolah Kebangsaan Gual To'Deh a leading English language development center at the Kelantan state level and possibly at the international level is a passionate and meaningful aspiration. With a high commitment to teaching and learning English, as well as involvement in initiatives and programs that support the development of language skills, he shows that excellence in education is a goal that can be achieved with continuous effort. His determination and willingness to be actively involved in various fields, from teaching in the classroom to research and community welfare activities, shows that he is an experienced educator and an inspiring and influential leader.

As someone who has dedicated their life to educating others, I've been on a journey that has been both challenging and rewarding. From my early days as a novice teacher to my current position as an experienced educator, I've learned so much about the power of education to transform lives. Through my years of experience, I've come to understand that education is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about building relationships, fostering critical thinking, and inspiring creativity. As an educator, I believe that it's my responsibility to create an environment where students feel safe, valued, and empowered to learn. My journey has taught me that every student is unique, and that a one-size-fits-all approach to education simply doesn't work. Instead, I strive to create personalized learning experiences that meet the individual needs of each student. While my journey as an educator has had its ups and downs, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Seeing the impact that I've had on my students' lives, and knowing that I've helped them to reach their full potential, is the greatest reward I could ever hope for.My journey as an educator

In conclusion, Mazeri Bin Othman is an example of an educator who is dedicated, committed, and enthusiastic in bringing positive changes in education and community welfare. His continuous efforts and contributions make him an outstanding teacher and an impactful agent of change. The success and inspiration he brings will continue to impact generations of students, colleagues, and society positively.

My Post

A Regret

A short play performed by female teachers at SK Gual To'Deh in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan has piqued students' interest due to its sim...