Monday, April 22, 2024

The 2nd meeting of HIP 2024

Today marks the second meeting for the 2024 Language Week and HIP. During the first meeting, the work committee consisting of the team leader and teachers who in teaching Malay, English, and Arabic subjects discussed several important matters. One of the decisions was to set the program dates from 9 to 13 June 2024, which will run for a week. The launch ceremony will be held on the last day of the program. All teachers will be involved in this second meeting, and at this meeting, as the coordinator, I was informed of several things agreed upon during the last meeting.

First, we need to agree on the date of the program, which is for a week. The launch day is 13 June 2024. The officers from Department of Education Kelantan will be invited to inaugurate the program. He is Mr. Mohd Pathiuddin Bin Mat Zain, Senior Chief Assistant Director (English Unit) Department of Education Kelantan. We have also invited Puan Rosnani Bt Mohd Nor (SISC+) from the Pasir Mas District Education Office.

Second, tasks were assigned to each teacher for the program. All teachers will be involved in the program. It is an annual program at SK Gual To'Deh, and this year is the fourth. As a coordinator, I am very happy to manage an extensive program that involves all students and teachers.

Third, some activities throughout the program should be updated. Among them are student performances every day after recess. The teachers will train the students, and some of the best performances will be selected for launch day.

Fourth, we will discuss finances to be used throughout the program. This second meeting also involves a clerk responsible for managing all allocations at the school. All the details about the expenses were presented during the conference. She said the paperwork must be done before any expenditure is issued.

Fifth, the program will involve parents as a form of school-parent relationship. Parents will be invited on the day. HIP is a platform that should involve parents so that they can see their children's talents and abilities in school.

Sixth, private agencies will also be invited, but this has yet to be confirmed. Some private agencies will make the program more interesting. 

I am pleased with the outcome of our second meeting as some decisions have been made. This is crucial as we only have a short period of approximately two months to prepare. I witnessed the dedication and cooperation of the teachers at SK Gual To'Deh and I commend them for their efforts. Well done! I believe that SK Gual To'Deh is the best school in the world.done! SK Gual To'Deh is number one in the world.

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