Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Ethos at SK Gual To'Deh

Ethos is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to display characteristic beliefs that become guidelines that describe the characteristics of a society, nation, or ideology. The Greeks also used this word to refer to the power of music to influence emotions, behavior, and even morality.[1] The early Greek story of Orpheus compellingly demonstrates this idea. The use of this word in rhetoric is closely based on the Greek term used by Aristotle in his concept of the three arts of proof or means of persuasion.

Today at SK Gual To'Deh, a crucial meeting was held to discuss the implementation of ethos in the school. The school administration and the secretary of each unit were present, and the headmaster, Mr. Bakri B Md Nor, warmly welcomed the teachers. Mr. Bakri explained the significance of ethos and how it can transform the school's culture. He suggested that Touch Rugby should be the primary ethos of the school. This will help instill a sense of discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship among the students. All documentation will be in Malaysian, and there will be English versions available on the Center for English and 21st Century Education blog. This will help disseminate the ethos to a wider audience and promote the school's ethos culture. To get started, there will be a benchmark visit to SK Bunohan, Tumpat, which is renowned for its thriving ethos culture. This visit will help the school administration and teachers gain insights into the best practices of ethos implementation. Overall, the meeting was a resounding success, and we look forward to the implementation of ethos at SK Gual To'Deh. With everyone's support and commitment, we can create a positive, empowering, and transformative environment for our students.

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