Monday, April 8, 2024

Forgive me Allah

As I write this, it is the last day of Ramadan, and I am grateful to Allah SWT for allowing my family and me to worship Him during this holy month. However, the weather has been extremely hot this year, and our house has run out of water, forcing us to rely on a storage source. Seeing that the world seems to be getting weaker daily is disheartening. Strange events, such as massive floods, devastating volcanic eruptions, terrifying earthquakes, and fires, are becoming more frequent worldwide. As a Muslim, I know these events have been prophesied in the Quran, and I believe in their significance. Hot weather results in fires, massive floods that destroy villages, devastating volcanic eruptions, terrifying earthquakes, and more. All these events have been stated in the Quran, and Muslims believe in them.

The world is in turmoil, and we must take action. We have seen strange and unpredictable occurrences recently, and we must take them as a reminder from Allah SWT to pray and remember Him. We are causing harm to our planet, and we must take responsibility for our actions. The ongoing conflicts and violence in Palestine, Myanmar, and northern India are just a few examples of this harm.

But there is hope. Many people are turning to Islam as the true religion, and we must embrace this and encourage others to do the same. Only those who refuse to see the truth hold outdated beliefs.

Personally, my children bring me immense joy. I believe that providing them with the best education will make them obedient children to Allah SWT and both parents. We must look to the future and ensure that future generations are raised with the right values and principles. We must act now to ensure a better tomorrow. Let us pray and remember Allah SWT, take responsibility for our actions, and embrace the truth of Islam, and both parents one day.

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